South Coast Dog Training Club

South Coast Dog Training Club is a friendly all breeds community club in the Wollongong region.

Obedience Classes
When: Saturday Mornings Starting at 8:30AM*
Where: Club Training Grounds (Dapto Show Ground, Enter via Southern end of Mulda St Dapto)
What: Obedience classes for beginners to advanced levels
* Weather permitting all weekends except long weekends

- Older dogs are never too old to participate in socialisation and training skill.
- Positive and reward based training methods are used at all times with both dogs and owners participating in enjoyable experiences that make the training fun.
- Flexible training options are available to suit different situations, from simple socialisation though to competing in trials.
- Progression through four levels of obedience training is provided at the end of which time your dog will happily walk on a loose lead and always return to you when called.

Agility Training
When: Wednesday Evenings at 6:30PM
Where: Club Training Grounds (Dapto Show Ground, Enter via Southern end of Mulda St Dapto)
What: There are three levels in our beginners training schedule, these are...

- Bronze (Level 1)
For those starting out brand new to the sport or with a new dog to train. Introduces BASIC HANDLING SKILLS, JUMPS and TUNNELS.
- Silver (Level 2)
The next stage in your Agility journey, Including CONTACTS and 2 X 2 WEAVERS.
- Gold (Level 3)
Here you will learn some of the more technical handling moves to enable you to negotiate a FULL NOVICE AGILITY COURSE.
- Intermediate / Trialers Level
For handlers and dogs with Agility experience close to or trialing. Members are encouraged to bring along either a course or Training Stations by arrangement with the Senior Instructor so everyone has the opportunity to oversee a training night and help with members new to this level

Flyball Training
When: Tuesday Evenings from 6:30PM (Team Training 6:30PM, Beginners 7:30PM)
Where: Club Training Grounds (Dapto Show Ground, Enter via Southern end of Mulda St Dapto)
What: Flyball is a relay race between two teams of four dogs racing side by side. One dog from each team must go over four hurdles, trigger a flyball box pedal, catch (retrieve) a ball and then return over all four hurdles to the start/finish line where the next dog eagerly awaits.

- Flyball encompasses all things that dogs love to do - jumping, catching, retrieving, competing and pleasing their owners. Flyball is a sport in which any dog can participate, regardless of breed, shape or size.

Club Fees

Joining Fee $5

Annual Membership
- Single $20
- Family $25
- Pensioner $15

Training Fees
$4 per session

Non-profit organization